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Cleerely Stated

Mom, You are Necessary | Card

Mom, You are Necessary | Card

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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 —Card reads: "Mom: Therapist, Forever Friend, Appointment Reminder, Chef, Taxi, Honest Outfit Assessor, Most Loyal Teammate, Permanent Travel Buddy, Shopping Partner-In-Crime, Pro Dryer of Tears, Best Stuffer of Stockings, Nurturer, All-Around Superhero. You are all of that and more. You are necessary to my life."

—4.25” x 5.5” card

 —Inside of card is blank for personal notes

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We are two moms whose lives have been impacted by mental illness. It is not discriminatory and we feel everyone should know it is OK not to be OK. There is comfort in conversation and hope in helpful resources.