How many of us have a cupboard or drawer FULL of water bottles/tumblers/cups?
A nuisance to many for "having so many" yet there are so many people that would love to have "just one".
We recently heard the story of a girl in the foster care system. She has been in the system for over 10 years. She has endured more pain and heartache than any one person should EVER experience in a lifetime. We felt called to show her that "someone cares". We put together a little bag of essentials, from our collection of positive items to give her some encouragement and support.
One of the items we included was a new water bottle, with an assortment of our colorful, encouraging stickers. We wanted to provide her with something that most kids have, but most likely take for granted.
I caught up with her foster mom, and she has reassured me that this child takes her water bottle, with encouraging stickers, EVERYWHERE she goes.
In the same week, we were connected with an amazing organization in our community that provides support to victims of human trafficking. In wanting to learn more about their organization, we went to a public event to learn more.
After the presentation, we were called to speak individually with the brave survivor that spoke that night.
We asked how we could support the organization, and survivors of human trafficking. She then informed me that they are in great need of "birthday bags". Most of these survivors have never experienced a birthday party, let alone a birthday gift, without having to give something back in return.
The items on their list were simple:
- Token to DQ or Oh My Cupcakes (provides them a birthday treat)
- Balloons
- Journal/pen
- Devotional
- Nail Polish
- Makeup
- Coffee Gift Card
- Water bottle with a straw
- Birthday Card
So, it got us thinking.
These two things didn't both happen in the SAME week by "chance". A item that is meaningless to one person, fills someone else with SO MUCH JOY!
If you would like to join us in helping these amazing survivors in our community, please reach out!
We will be accepting new & unused of the following items: water bottles, devotionals (we have some great ones in stock & more to come), DQ or Oh My Cupcakes tokens, and anything else on the above list.
We ALL have a story-I am enough.
Together we CAN make a difference!
bee kind-bee inspired-just bee
1 comment
Amazing stories!! It is so awesome that you are able to bring so much joy and support to many people throughout the community. I would love to help by donating some of the items on the list!!
I also would like to thank you for bringing your joy and support to the Arlington School District with your donation of the stickers and mental health resources. It truly means so much to our staff and students and I appreciate all that you are doing! :)